New medication thresholds: The 15% medication line has now been changed to a region that starts at 10% and ends at 20% to comply with new regulations and guidelines. The point that appeared at 15% will now have a point at 10% and 20% instead.
PREDICT compatability: We’ve introduced a trimmed version of the clinical tool within PREDICT. This now allows PREDICT users to fill in the patient’s forms on PREDICT once and have a prepopulated tool, all ready to go, without you having to fill out the same details again.
Notification support in the consumer tool: The consumer tool can also display important notices like the clinical tool – eg. news of upcoming major updates, changes in licensing information etc.
v2.13 – What’s new in this version?
What’s new in the Clinical Tool v 2.00
New look and feel: Our clinical and consumer tools have been given a make over to make them look part of the same family of tools
Improved WHAT IF page: The clinical version of the tool now has some of the nicer features of the consumer tool, including Sliders to change your What If values
Patients can review their own personal ‘Your Heart Forecast’ session at home now.. Simply make use of that personal inviation which is offered and your patient’s details will be available for them to see at home later on.
Improved workflow for patients: You can now have Your Heart Forecast store the patient’s clinical details, and make them availble to the patient later using their private ‘invitation key’ – They are offered a key by TXT message (SMS), or by email. Simply follow the next steps flow through beyond the What If page and you’ll be prompted… – Note; this is only available to you when you’re using the tool online, if you download and use a standalone version, this mahy not be available to you.
Prinatable summaries: You now have the option to Print a summary page for your patient. If you’re online and have opted to create a personalised invitation link for your patient, their link will be printed on this page too.
Improved handling of bordering risk levels: If your risk is rounded up to 10% or 15%, then your risk is treated as being within the higher risk range. Someone may have a ‘14.5%’ risk level, which is treated as 15%, which is classified as being HIGH risk. This is consistent with the guidelines and how risk needs to be implemented.
Permenant feedback link: If you’d like to let us know what you think, or ask any questions about this tool, you can use the feedback link, just beneath the tool. Tell us what you think!
What’s new in the Consumer Tool v 2.00
New look and feel: Our clinical and consumer tools have been given a make over to make them look part of the same family of tools
Improved Graphing: The aspect ratio of the graphed area has changed, and has been aligned with that used within the clinical tool
Improved workflow for patients: Patients who have used Your Heart Forecast within a clinical setting are offered a link to bring their clinical data set into the consumer tool, using their personal inviation key, their data pre-loads inside of the Consumer tool, saving them from having to re-enter all of the complicated bits of information.
Improved handling of bordering risk levels: If your risk is rounded up to 10% or 15%, then your risk is treated as being within the higher risk range. Someone may have a ‘14.5%’ risk level, which is treated as 15%, which is classified as being HIGH risk. This is consistent with the guidelines and how risk needs to be implemented.
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